The World Through Flat-Earther’s Eyes

The members of Flat Earth Society believe that Earth is flat. They deem all the evidence to the contrary. They suspect the testimony of NASA and government that earth is not flat. This group of people has also created a website to promote their ideas. Their current theory suggests that Earth is a flat disc with Arctic circle in the center and Antarctica. The recent convention in the UK about FLat-Earth was well attended and acquires a lot of attention from the public. The Falt-Earthers think that there is another dark moon that covers the planet and creates the eclipse. They suspect the existence of Earth’s gravity. According to their theory, Earth accelerates upward at 32   feet per second. They attribute the stability of the Earth to the dark force. Most Flat-Earthers believe that the underground of Earth is composed of rocks. They think that the GPS photos of NASA satellites are photoshopped. These devices trick the astronauts to fly in straight lines around the earth while they are doing circles above the area of the disc. The Flat-Earth society is not the first group to be sceptical about the earths shape. Similar accounts were typified in the works of Michel Foucault who was a famous philosopher in the 20th century. There is a lot that Flat-Earthers provide to our society. They are the shining examples of people who increase the distrust towards political and scientific institutions. The success of Flat-Earth event in UK make it seem that Flat-Earth theory is going to exist in the upcoming centuries.

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