Black Panther Movie Review.


Black Panther was a beautiful mess. But, while some may say it’s just another superhero movie, for many people it’s not. It was of great importance and was awaited by people of color especially, and you can see it in the reviews. And though it’s not the first black superhero movie out there, it’s the biggest in production and, after all, it’s Marvel, and Marvel has a certain reputation.

Now, what’s so good about this movie?

The Imagery.

This movie is gorgeous. Marvel Productions has always made movies which don’t look exactly bad, but the colors have always just been bland and grey. But it seems like Marvel has listened to the audience and critics and tried to brighten things up a little bit. Started last year with Spider-Man: Homecoming and Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther also goes on the list of the colorful and gorgeous Marvel movies. The music, the outfits, the surroundings are all great – a mixture of tribal African culture and modernity.

The Characters.

Prepare yourself to like nearly every character in this movie. They have charisma, humor and most importantly, they feel real. Of course, not everyone can compare themselves with their fighting abilities, but them breaking the ice throughout the whole movie and not making everything too serious makes you love them.

The Villain.

It’s quite known that Marvel doesn’t exactly deliver the best villains, with Loki being the most likable and probably the best villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ve started to see that turn around recently with The Grandmaster in Thor Ragnarok, and Killmonger in Black Panther might be the best villain in the MCU since Loki. He’s likable, so much so you can’t root against him, just like with Loki. His storyline, history, and goal might even appeal to the audience at first, but his extremist thinking is what makes him the antagonist of the movie.

Yes, this movie had good sides, but what about the bad sides? The CGI was not very good. Still, depends on if you notice that kind of stuff or not. I don’t really pay attention to it, unless it’s really bad, which it wasn’t. The plot? Maybe a little cliche, just like every other Marvel movie.

Overall, is Black Panther worth watching? If you’re a fan of Marvel, it doesn’t really add anything to the lore of MCU. It’s a great standalone movie too though, so it’s still worth a shot.

So, Is the Government Really Spying on You?

With the rising popularity of jokes and memes about FBI/NSA secret agents spying and monitoring people on their computers, mostly through their cameras, a question arises for many – is this close to reality? Does everybody have their own agents? Are there even enough agents for all of us?

Apparently, covering your webcam has gained popularity and many people even purchase special stickers for their cameras. Even James Comey, the ex-director of FBI thinks covering your camera is the right choice.  And although he recommends it to everyone, still, he is an important person and his concern is just “people who don’t have authority” looking at him. After all, there have been reports of hackings, even some disturbing ones, done by people without authority to other people without authority. So the paranoia may not be out of nothing, not to mention hackings of many celebrities.

Many people had started the speculations after seeing a tape on Mark Zuckerberg’s laptop camera:

You must be thinking “I am no Mark Zuckerberg” (unless you are Mark Zuckerberg, in which case, hi Mark). But yes, most of us are not known and important enough for the government to spy on us or for hackers try to hack our webcams and our phones. Mark Zuckerberg probably has much more to lose if hacked. He is, after all, one of the richest people in the world.

But the main question is, is the government watching you through your webcam? Probably not. They may be monitoring some of your internet activity though, depending on where you live and what websites you use. Is there a chance that someone might hack your computer? Yes, there is, though very rare. Is covering your camera and/or microphone a necessity? No, it’s a pure choice.

Have some laughs with these posts about your secret agent watching you 😉 :

A Man Arrested for Alleged Threats Against Lana Del Rey.

A man named Michael Hunt, 43, has been arrested for stalking, threatening and attempted kidnapping. This happened before Lana Del Rey’s concert at the Amway Center in Orlando, Friday, Feb. 2, 2018. Orlando Police twitter account tweeted about arresting him armed with a knife right before entering the Amway Center for the concert. Now he is held at the Orange County Jail.

Hunt made several posts about the singer before the concert:

Though they might just seem weird and inappropriate, the knife found with him made it clear Hunt had some plans.

This is not the first “unlucky” fan encounter the singer had. In June 2016 a 19-year-old fan was sentenced to three months in jail for breaking into her house. There are a few celebrities who had been under a threat by a fan or a person who was armed and could easily get in the audience. E.g., an American Singer Selena Quintanilla was killed by her fan. Another American singer, Christina Grimmie, was shot by a fan during her performance. There are also quite a few examples of various artists’ fans trying to go on stage during their performances. Getting close to your idol and even getting in the arena/concert hall has become more difficult and controlled by the security and police after multiple cases like this.

So, what do you think about this case?

Is Univesity Really Worth It?


So, most adults have attended university and most of them tell us that we can’t succeed or make lots of money without a degree. But is it really true? Here are some reasons it may – or may not be. 

New Era.

Now there is more access to free information online than ever before, so many young adults decide to drop out of college or not go at all. Universities are expensive, time-consuming, and halfway you can easily change your mind about your profession of choice, as it is difficult to make a decision for your future career at such an early and vulnerable stage of life.

Student Debt.

This is a big issue with many students. They attend the University of their dreams, get promised a bright future and then they become unemployed or have a low-salary job, can’t pay their student debt and it’s not worth it anymore. But, there is a chance for scholarships and some universities give a chance to not pay loan completely or partially.

“University gives experience.”

This is something we hear a lot. We will gain friends at the university, also it will help us become more flexible and more used to our future potential jobs. Then again, you can find friends online and in real life – for free.

History and Reality.

Some of the richest people in the world haven’t gone to the university or have dropped out. Here, we can see that the third of Forbes 400 members don’t have a degree and have more average net worth than the ones who do. We can also see that the employment rate difference of the ones who finished college vs the ones who finished just high school is not that big.

So, is a degree something everyone needs? No. Do you need it if you want to become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer? Yes. Many technical jobs will probably require a degree, but the good thing is those are some of the highest paid jobs (Here is the list of college degrees with the highest salary potential, and here is another great website with statistics of degrees and their employment rates).