The Funnier Side of Learning

Like most kids, Little David, 4, does and says the funniest things. Learning about the world and all its wonders sometimes gets the better of the poor guy, though! Having said that, I wonder whether he does that deliberately for a laugh. “I being funny,” he once stated, before laughing hysterically, proud of his achievement in making people laugh. Here are some of the funny things he’s said and done:


Of course, David knows basic greetings. But one time, he decided he’d answer any words rhyming with “hi” with that greeting.

“David, are you eating a pie?” someone said. “Hi!” he replied enthusiastically, before waving back at them, pie in hand.

“No David, they said pie,” his mother said. David paused for a moment before waving yet again with the pie in his hand, “Bye!”


We were outside a few weeks ago, and it was a bit cloudy, seeming like it would soon rain. David was staring at them. You could see him trying to interpret something, the frown on his face highlighting his confusion. “The clouds are dirty,” he stated, now proud that he worked out whatever it was he had pondered. Maybe someone should clean them.

Learning is Hard

We sometimes think it’s easy being a kid, but it actually seems really difficult at times. Like university students who often struggle to grasp new and exciting concepts about the world, little kids grapple with their own perception of equally perplexing ones (at least for their age).

Perhaps it is adults who fail to draw similarities with common sights, even if we know they aren’t true. If dark stains on white fabric indicate dirt, then why shouldn’t dark spots on clouds denote the same? Either way, it’s fascinating to witness how a child sees the world. I wonder if that’s how I used to see it or not. Then again, when I’m suffering with a new idea at university and make a seemingly ridiculous analogy during a class discussion, I think I know exactly what it must have been like!

One comment

  1. Robbie Yates · June 19, 2018

    Little David’s such a character
    This blog post made me beam,
    Now please excuse me, gotta
    Go give the clouds a clean!


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