So, Is the Government Really Spying on You?

With the rising popularity of jokes and memes about FBI/NSA secret agents spying and monitoring people on their computers, mostly through their cameras, a question arises for many – is this close to reality? Does everybody have their own agents? Are there even enough agents for all of us?

Apparently, covering your webcam has gained popularity and many people even purchase special stickers for their cameras. Even James Comey, the ex-director of FBI thinks covering your camera is the right choice.  And although he recommends it to everyone, still, he is an important person and his concern is just “people who don’t have authority” looking at him. After all, there have been reports of hackings, even some disturbing ones, done by people without authority to other people without authority. So the paranoia may not be out of nothing, not to mention hackings of many celebrities.

Many people had started the speculations after seeing a tape on Mark Zuckerberg’s laptop camera:

You must be thinking “I am no Mark Zuckerberg” (unless you are Mark Zuckerberg, in which case, hi Mark). But yes, most of us are not known and important enough for the government to spy on us or for hackers try to hack our webcams and our phones. Mark Zuckerberg probably has much more to lose if hacked. He is, after all, one of the richest people in the world.

But the main question is, is the government watching you through your webcam? Probably not. They may be monitoring some of your internet activity though, depending on where you live and what websites you use. Is there a chance that someone might hack your computer? Yes, there is, though very rare. Is covering your camera and/or microphone a necessity? No, it’s a pure choice.

Have some laughs with these posts about your secret agent watching you 😉 :

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