Man from the past





Most people are willing to live longer life, that’s why scientists are trying to find ways to preserve human body. Cryogenics specialist are on the leading position in this field. Most of us have probably heared about the phenomenon of body freezing in movies and scientific practices and that our bodies can be freezed and defrosted in the future. Moreover, some say that scientists have already learned how to conduct such practices. But is that true?

Furst, we need to define both, Cryogenics and Cryonics. Cryonics is the freezing of body right after the death. This is done with the hope that future technologies can help to revive it. Hundreads of people have already signed the contract to be frozen after death. Cryogenics, in turn, studies the way different materials, including human bodies, respond to extremal freezing. Scientists are now looking forwart to use Cryogenics for sending people to Mars, as freezing is able to faciliate that process.

Although, before you start fantasizing about such trips, it should be mentioned, that we can’t just freeze and unfreeze a person. The problem is that 80+ percent of our body is water, and when the water is frozen it leads to horrible consequences for our skin. Therefore, we’ll have to pump our body with antifreez in order to avoid that. But if complete freezing is impossible, we can use therapeutic hypothermia, which is used for people with serious traumas. It lowers body temperature by ten degrees and it falls into controlled coma, in so doing, metabolism and brain functioning decelerate. Michael Schumacher, for example, have already gone through such practice when he got injured in the Alps. Some people have even been in such condition for 14 days. This achievement gives us the hope for long distance journeys in the future.

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