Judging the book by its cover- The misconceptions about introverts


Introverts are stressed people who feel comfortable only with their own selves.

While the fact that introverts enjoy being alone most of the time may be true, (and not only introverts, we all need a little time for ourselves) this does not necessarily mean that we don’t like social interaction at all. Hanging out with friends is great but still, we prefer to make it a small group rather than a huge crowd.

Introverts are shy, and if someone’s shy than he/she is an introvert.

Being shy and being an introvert are 2 completely different things. Shyness is connected more with social anxiety and not feeling comfortable to talk to people, especially strangers. So just because someone’s an introvert does not mean he/she is shy, and the vice versa.

Introverts are too picky.

A lot of people think that because we prefer to hang out with a smaller group of friends, to have less social interaction or to lay in bed and read a book on a Friday night, instead of going to a party, than we are hard to please. This does not actually have to do anything with introversion or extroversion, it just is all about person’s preference.

So, being an introvert does not mean one is insecure, or depressed or shy. Anyone can be in an emotional condition like this, even extroverts. These are not the “characteristics” of introversion as many people think. It is not right or wrong, it’s just one’s personality and it’s not better or worse than being an extrovert.

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