Is Univesity Really Worth It?


So, most adults have attended university and most of them tell us that we can’t succeed or make lots of money without a degree. But is it really true? Here are some reasons it may – or may not be. 

New Era.

Now there is more access to free information online than ever before, so many young adults decide to drop out of college or not go at all. Universities are expensive, time-consuming, and halfway you can easily change your mind about your profession of choice, as it is difficult to make a decision for your future career at such an early and vulnerable stage of life.

Student Debt.

This is a big issue with many students. They attend the University of their dreams, get promised a bright future and then they become unemployed or have a low-salary job, can’t pay their student debt and it’s not worth it anymore. But, there is a chance for scholarships and some universities give a chance to not pay loan completely or partially.

“University gives experience.”

This is something we hear a lot. We will gain friends at the university, also it will help us become more flexible and more used to our future potential jobs. Then again, you can find friends online and in real life – for free.

History and Reality.

Some of the richest people in the world haven’t gone to the university or have dropped out. Here, we can see that the third of Forbes 400 members don’t have a degree and have more average net worth than the ones who do. We can also see that the employment rate difference of the ones who finished college vs the ones who finished just high school is not that big.

So, is a degree something everyone needs? No. Do you need it if you want to become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer? Yes. Many technical jobs will probably require a degree, but the good thing is those are some of the highest paid jobs (Here is the list of college degrees with the highest salary potential, and here is another great website with statistics of degrees and their employment rates).

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